Artificial Intelligence in Clinical Medicine

We are idealists, problem-solvers, and explorers of digital health and AI. Bio-AI-logistics

Featured: AI Passport for biomedical research

AI Passport for Biomedical Research

Navigating Healthcare’s AI Future

AI Passport for Biomedical Research is an AI upskilling program designed to train the first generation of AI-ready biomedical researchers and clinicians. Our community-driven, digital learning program is made for non-traditional AI learners: no AI or coding background required! Learn to integrate AI into your research and healthcare practice and join a supportive community of mentors and peers.

AI Passport for Biomedical research logo


Intelligent Digital Twin Hospital

Co-Creating Consent

Privacy in AI Medical Software Tools

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Co-Creating Consent2 Play Video

our missions & goals

In this video, Intelligent Clinical Care Center (IC3) director Azra Bihorac and associate director for research Tyler Loftus discuss our vision for the partnership between AI and medicine.


AI-augmented diagnostic, prognostic, and clinical decision-making

Expand the research scope into AI-augmented diagnostic, prognostic, and clinical decision-making in a safe, secure, and ethical manner using a trustworthy, reproducible, sustainable, and ethical AI framework for a wide range of critical and acute illnesses.



Patient care

Improve patient care through innovative research translation for quality improvement, patient safety, and development of benchmark metrics.

intelligent ICU


The next generation of AI researchers

Educate the next generation of transdisciplinary AI researchers. We will extend collaboration between UF Health, UF College of Medicine and College of Engineering, and the broader UF campus to include faculty, house-staff, and students across disciplines and create programs for training and research.



National leadership

Build a national leadership for multicenter AI and data science initiatives and share publicly available datasets and AI platforms in this domain.



Sustainability with external fundraising

Foster sustainability with external fundraising through entrepreneurship initiatives, philanthropy, and community engagement.


IC3 in the News

Intelligent Clinical Care Center (IC3) directors Azra Bihorac and Parisa Rashidi talk with John Torres of NBC Nightly News about our center’s research into using AI to help monitor critically ill patients.

our contributions

$26.4 Million IC3 core faculty research portfolio


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Highlight Presentations

Johns Hopkins Grand Rounds

Augmented Decision-Making

IC3’s Dr. Azra Bihorac gives a lecture on collaborative research that develops technology to help physicians make better decisions in the ICU.
