Oberndorf AI Medical Catalyst Grant

Award Overview

The University of Florida Intelligent Clinical Care Center (IC3) and the College of Medicine Office of Research are pleased to announce the Fall Cycle Oberndorf AI Medical Scholarship Program. This initiative warmly welcomes proposals from talented medical students eager to apply Artificial Intelligence (AI) for groundbreaking advancements in medicine. 

This Request for Proposals (RFP) presents a unique opportunity for students to not only conceptualize and develop AI-based projects but also to gain hands-on research training experiences, enriching their skill sets. The mentorship component, which utilizes experts affiliated with the University of Florida (UF) who possess substantial experience in AI, will enhance this learning journey.

The initiative aims to inspire creativity, foster impactful contributions, and ensure feasibility in proposed project ideas, ultimately making a significant difference in patient care, diagnostics, research, or healthcare management. Through this initiative, the goal is to create a collaborative environment where the intersection of medical knowledge and AI innovation is guided by experienced mentors from UF, thereby increasing the research capabilities and readiness of medical students for the future. Proposals are due November 12, 2024. A one-year Progress Report is required to be submitted by January 31, 2026. 

Funding is provided from a generous donation from Louis H. and Rosemary Oberndorf. Mr. Oberndorf is the founder and chairman of Medical Education Technologies, Inc and an esteemed donor at the University of Florida. 

Application Deadlines

Call begins September 12, 2024.

Submission is due November 12, 2024.


  • Applicants must be second and third year UF medical students currently enrolled.
  • Previous experience with AI is not required, but a strong interest in the intersection of AI and medicine is essential

Funding Amount

Scholars will be selected to receive a one-year research grant of $5,000.

Application Instructions

Final Proposal Requirements:

We recommend following the NIH guidelines for font size and spacing.  

Applications must propose innovative AI approaches and include:  

1.Approach (2 pages max) 

  • Title of the project 
  • Background and motivation for the project 
  • Research question(s) or problem(s) you aim to address 
  • Methodology: How you intend to use AI in your project 
  • Expected outcomes and impact on the medical field 
  • Proposed timeline for project completion (up to 12 months)

Information related to AI mentor, who must be a current member of Intelligent Clinical Care Center (IC3) or membership pending at time of submission deadline with extensive AI experience. 

  • Letter of support from an AI mentor  
  • AI mentor’s biosketch 
  • Applicant’s CV 
  • Applicant’s head shot photo  
  • Budget: See example below. 
  • Applications must propose innovative AI approaches (1-2 pages) including:

Sample Budget

Item Estimated Cost Justification
Data Fees

Selection Criteria: 

  • Feasibility and potential impact of the project 
  • Originality and creativity of the proposed idea 
  • Strength of the mentor/student partnership 


  • Applicants must be second and third year students currently enrolled as a UF medical student. 
  • Previous experience with AI is not required, but a strong interest in the intersection of AI and medicine is essential.    


For more information contact Alicia Antone at aantone@ufl.edu

Frequently Asked Questions: 

What can the funds be used for?
Funds may be used for research related activities e.g., lab supplies, office supplies, and travel. Funds cannot be used for salary of the student or PI. Funds may be used for OPS staff. 

What if I do not submit the entire packet by the due date?
There will be no exceptions to incomplete submissions.

I am not a member of IC3, am I still eligible to apply?
Yes. The call for submission is open to all College of Medicine students.

Are there reporting requirements for the grant?
Yes. The reporting expectations of the grant are for the recipient to submit any manuscripts or articles published. A three-page report is also required to be submitted by January 31, 2026.

Are the non-recipients eligible to apply again the following year?
Yes. Non-recipients are eligible to apply the following year.

What if I’m awarded the grant funds. Can apply again the following year?
No. Recipients who have won the award are not eligible to reapply.