AI2Heal Datathon Attendee Survey Which describes your role at UF? Faculty Staff Trainee or Student What was your role during the AI2Heal Datathon? Presenter (AI Lightning Talk) Datathon Competition Team Member Attendee or Moderator What is your department, center, or lab? Which session(s) did you attend? Thursday morning AI talks Thursday afternoon AI talks Friday morning/afternoon team presentations Friday afternoon Datathon workshops Friday evening awards ceremony Please indicate your agreement on a 5-point scale (1 = completely disagree to 5 = completely agree) with the statements below.Content shared in AI2Heal was relevant to me. 1 - Completely Disagree 2 3 4 5 - Completely Agree Content shared in AI2Heal was valuable to me. 1 - Completely Disagree 2 3 4 5 - Completely Agree My interactions with peers through AI2Heal were positive for me. 1 - Completely Disagree 2 3 4 5 - Completely Agree My interactions with mentors through AI2Heal were positive for to me. 1 - Completely Disagree 2 3 4 5 - Completely Agree I am likely to apply the knowledge gained through AI2Heal in the future. 1 - Completely Disagree 2 3 4 5 - Completely Agree I am likely to enroll in future training opportunities for artificial intelligence/machine learning. 1 - Completely Disagree 2 3 4 5 - Completely Agree Open QuestionsPlease describe how participation in AI2Heal advanced your knowledge and skills for AI/ML research.Please describe any impact AI2Heal has had on expanding your professional network and developing meaningful relationships.Please describe how specific AI2Heal program features were valuable to you.What can we do to improve AI2Heal?May we contact you for additional feedback? Yes No If yes, please enter your email address. Demographic QuestionsOptionalWhat is your gender identity? Man Woman Transgender Other Other Which best describes your race or ethnicity? African American/Black Asian/Pacific Islander Caribbean descent Hispanic/Latino/a and/or of Spanish origin Multiracial Native American/American Indian White Other Other